Friday, February 23, 2007


the real me.......
i am scared to start a business,at first it was exciting and cool, now it's just down right scary! seems like i need to make a few decisions on my own, and take the first steps! and if i fail...i will learn from my mistakes! i know things will work out. i can see myself doing this. im just realy scared, and that keeps me from taking the next step!
i know i must do something, i can't just sit here and enjoy doing nothing!!!! the dear hubby has enough on his mind these days, and im not going to add worry to his plate of things to take care of! i must and i CAN do this! i just have to keep taking small steps, and facing the next challenge. life goes on.....and on....and on....even if i feel like it's passing me by!

thank goodness for my friends! they keep me in check!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

wow..i lost a day somewhere

so is....


according to this here bloggy thingy! wow my bad...sorry

it's wensday...right?

i tell ya...since i dont write the date daily,i forget and lose track of days!
here i've been wondering about DeeJ, and when she was gonna blog again! she let a few days past, and i think her friends were starting to worry about where she is! then i look here and see that ive done the same thing! except that i have more days inbetween my posts then most anyone else! who am i to talk...huh!!!

my sister has today off, so she wants to visit! i think sometimes she lets the EX have control over her!It doesn't help that he now lives downstairs from her! OY, what a mistake that was! i did try and talk to her without getting all mad and upsetting her. she just needs to ignore that man! have nothing more to do with him...and i tell her, "to think BLAH BLAH BLAH when he talks to her! because he says nothing but lies!!! and creates drama, big time! what a JERK (spelt different of course) but,ok enough already

have a great hump day ya'all

Sunday, February 18, 2007

good 2B home

going away is always nice. but coming back home, to your own bed is the best feeling!
i have missed the daily game very bad, but i can't ask to use her puter, when it's for her school work. and she does it every day...well almost! lol
do you take something from home, that helps you feel comfortable, when away from home?
just asking

and yes i go every day 2!!!!

dentist is 6 months! lol

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

dentist's tuesday!!!

a morning with the dentist, goodness i sure hope i've flossed enough! crossing fingers that i have no cavities !!!
i will be around later today. can we play then?

when did you go last? how often do you go? (to the dentist?)

just me wondering

Monday, February 5, 2007

silly monday!

i feel realy silly today! i don't know why, or what put me in this mood today! i just feel down right silly! i wanna crack some jokes, and make people smile :D ! wonder who i should start with? any takers for first in line? DeeJ????

have a funny lightens the whole week!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

a friends loss

one of my g/f's Dad passed away the other day. It realy hit me harder then i thought it would...during the entire service i was missing my dad, who passed several years ago. Her dad was a well known man, with alot of friends and business associates. Very political man, and held many possitions with the steel workers Union (something i didnt know about him). He was your typical Dad,Old man,crumpy and loud, but that was Bill! he has three daughters, seven grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren. his wife passed 10 years ago, and told him he would live for 10 years in pain!!! we must be carefull what we say, it could turn out to be something we realy didn't mean!!!
anyways...i just think each and every day we have is a special day. Celebrate each and every morning that your eyes open and you greet a new day.
im sorry i didnt mean to make this so sad....i'd like to end it happily....i love you dad, and miss you! thank you God for another day.

celebrate today...Hug a person